JUMP TOSoundstripeIntroductionSpecificationAuthenticationErrorsPaginationSongsThe song objectThe audio file objectRetrieve a songgetList songsgetSongs > TagsThe tag objectList tagsgetSongs > ArtistsThe artist objectSongs > Digital UsagesThe digital usage objectGenerate a YouTube code for a songpostSound EffectsThe sound effect objectRetrieve a sound effectgetList sound effectsgetSound Effects > CategoriesList categoriesgetRetrieve a categorygetThe category objectPlaylists > Curated PlaylistsThe playlist objectRetrieve a playlistgetList playlistsgetPlaylists > Curated Playlist CategoriesList playlist categoriesgetRetrieve a playlist categorygetThe playlist category objectPlaylists > My PlaylistsThe private playlist objectRetrieve a private playlistgetList private playlistsgetCreate a private playlistpostUpdate a private playlistpatchDelete a private playlistdeleteAdd song(s) to a private playlistpostAdd sound effect(s) to a private playlistpostRemove song(s) from a private playlistdeleteRemove sound effect(s) from a private playlistdeleteList categoriesget https://api.soundstripe.com/v1/categories